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Victories for North Carolina: Protecting Children and Restoring Privacy

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Overcoming Radical Resistance: Enforcing Laws and Holding Leaders Accountable

Last week, Sloan joined Stew Peters to discuss the recent victories in North Carolina, including the passage of the Parental Rights Act. This act prevents the sexualization of children and invasive surveys in schools.

Sloan emphasizes the need to protect children and restore privacy, urging Republicans to override the governor's veto and enforce these laws. The conversation also touches on the importance of rejecting federal funding and fighting against fraud, waste, and abuse in schools.

• The Parental Rights Act in North Carolina bans invasive surveys and sexualization of children.

• The Women's and Sports Act in North Carolina aims to protect female athletes from unfair competition.

• Rejecting federal funding is crucial to break free from the control of bad policies in schools.

• Fraud, waste, and abuse are prevalent problems in schools and require better oversight.

• Overriding the veto is just the first step, as the focus must be on enforcing the laws.

• Millions of parents need to come together to protect the well-being of their children.

• It is the government's duty to extend liberty and not intrude on the privacy of families.

The North Carolina General Assembly has passed a series of bills to protect children's rights. In these bills, issues like the sexualization of children in classes and fair competition in sports are addressed.

The Parental Rights Act ensures children are protected from inappropriate or excessive material for their age group. By implementing this act, North Carolina seeks to create a safe and nurturing environment for children. This will allow them to focus on their education and personal growth. Another noteworthy law is the Women's and Sports Act, which separates biological males and females in sports. Due to inherent physiological differences, biological males cannot participate in female sports, potentially giving them an unfair advantage.

As a result of separating athletes by biological sex, North Carolina ensures equal sporting competition.

These bills were vetoed by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. Override votes are planned for July.

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