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UNC Officials Lied About Its Child Sex Change Clinic Records Show

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

The hospital's lead attorney told Fox News that reports about UNC doctors offering to treat transgender three-year-olds were "categorically false and frankly dangerous" as clinic websites were hidden from the public.

By Sloan Rachmuth

Documents obtained by Education First Alliance (EFA) reveal UNC Health's extraordinary efforts to bury details about a gender-bending program for children as young as three.

UNC doctors gave minors medical treatments to "transition" them to the opposite "gender." Treatments could include medication or psychotherapy. Sex-change surgery is offered to patients aged 18 and up.

UNC Health marketing draft

Medical residents with almost no experience were treating minors with treatment not yet approved by the FDA.

Perhaps that's why there were treatment errors, like dosing patients with dangerously high levels of hormones without follow-up.

Toxic dosing of estrogen can cause gallbladder disease and thyroid disorders, Testosterone overdoses can cause heart attacks, strokes, or liver failure.

Records show that 82% of patients were given treatment without being given informed consent first. This means that patients and their families may not have been told about possible side effects of medication before starting therapy.

Internal slide from UNC Health

UNC Health leaders planned to make treating children with puberty blockers and hormones the standard of care in family medicine clinics across the state.

They also planned to train future doctors in UNC's family medicine program to give sex change treatments to children.

The documents from UNC Health only further demonstrate the accuracy and credibility of EFA's original report in May titled: Transgender Toddlers Treated at Duke, UNC, and ECU. The article received over 5 million reads and was covered by dozens of national media outlets.

On May 3rd, Rachmuth and Andersen appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss EFA's report. Andersen, who trained at UNC in general surgery, criticized the hospital:

"Medicine has become an activist entity. There are activists who are now physicians and medical providers who have radical progressive ideologies who have no problem with socially transitioning two, three, or four-year-olds in gender-affirming care," Dr. Anderson told FOX & Friends co-host AshleyStrohmier

Rachmuth said that the hospitals start psychotherapy treatments to "socially transition" very young children with the goal of putting them on puberty blockers and hormones down the road.

To address public criticism, UNC Heath coordinated a cover-up and denial campaign.

First, the hospital posted false statements on social media denying their involvement in treating "transgender" toddlers.

Then lawyers for UNC and East Carolina University (ECU) sent FOX News an email accusing EFA of "categorically false and frankly dangerous" reporting:

Besides pressuring the media to kill the story, UNC killed its web pages describing its experimental program to the public.

An email exchange on May 8th shows UNC's doctors asking communications staff to scrub its website of information indicating their involvement in child sex changes.

Soon after, the UNC Department of Psychiatry’s Gender Equality Psychiatry Clinic was apparently removed.

Today, there is no longer a link to UNC Psychiatry's "child/adolescent patient care" page under its apparently defunct Gender Equality Psychiatry Clinic.

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