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OUTRAGEOUS: Orange County School Board Flies BLM & Gay Pride Flags, Pledge of Allegiance Shunned.

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

North Carolina school board starts its first in-person meeting in 18 months with a moment of silence to acknowledge that Americans are living on stolen land - just two days after the 20th anniversary of September 11th.

By EFA Member, Dr. Amy Rosenthal

I attended part of a school board meeting in Orange county on Monday, September 13th. BLM and Gay Pride flags framed the entrance to the meeting - seen in the second two pictures.

The meeting started out with acknowledgement that we were meeting on tribal land and there was a moment of silence. Then one board member said we were meeting in a school so we should say the pledge. The other board members met him in silence and said he had to make a formal motion, and they didn't plan to take time for the pledge, it wasn't on the agenda.

The visitors however, were overwhelmingly in favor of saying the pledge, so we did. The problem was that it was difficult to find an American flag. Then we found one teeny, tiny American flag at the back of the room.

Everyone stood for the pledge except for one woman who came with a sign saying "vaccines save lives" and was clearly determined to sit for the recitation.



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