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NC School District Takes Students Offsite for Secret CRT Indoctrination Sessions.

NHCS' Equity Committee trains students to become Far Left activists under the guise of "Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion."

Concerned Wilmington parents learned that Sophic Solutions was scheduled to run a CRT seminar at the district's Department of Education on November 18th, miles away from most school sites. The majority of the students selected to attend the equity session were minorities.

When the parent group arrived at the session location, they recorded five bus loads of middle and high school students being dropped off. Over the course of the weekend, details of the workshop emerged, revealing it was conducted in an obscure, semi-secretive manner:

  • On the public calendar of the NHCS, there are no events scheduled for this time.

  • The Sophic Solutions contract, which expired last August, was renewed without the board's knowledge or approval for student-based equity programs.

  • It was known that only a few NHCS board members (those with far left leanings) would attend this CRT-centric training.

Why were students there? What happened for five hours? Here is what we know:

  • Students received camera-enabled laptops to record a video report on how their school is making equity improvements.

  • During the "Equity" workshop, students were made to chant "Equity is Equality".

Is this government sanctioned political leadership training?

"Principal's Advisory Council" and "School Equity Team" are student-led groups that are grooming students into activism. However, neither group is described on the district's website. However, a Charles P. Murray Middle School web page describes their Principal Advisory Council (led by Katherine Hill) as:

“This organization was originally called Student Government. It is a group of students who meet on a regular basis in order to meet the needs of the student body/school and help the community. This group provides feedback to our Principal, School Improvement Team, and the equity team on ways to improve our school.”

Segregated Instruction Designed and Intended for African American Students?

Are Far Left activists in the NHCS district’s administration reinstating Jim Crow laws?

In a county with only a 13% African American population, it was observed that as much as 80% of the students that arrived for this workshop were Black. Did organizers segregate this event based on students’ skin color? If so, this act of separating students based on their race should not be tolerated nor should anything of the sort be considered. This is concerning as there has not been so much as even a MODICUM of transparency as related. Why?



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