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SABOTAGE: House Republican lobbies to stop parental consent for sex change treatments

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

Lobbyist turned politician Tim Reeder leads a radical group opposed to informing parents about abortion and sex changes on children.

by: Sloan Rachmuth

Lobbying group NC Medical Society (NCMS) took credit for stripping provisions from a bill that would ban doctors from giving sex change services to children as young as 4.

Emma Kate Sowder said this in a recent episode of NCMS Political Pulse:

"NC Medical Society worked tirelessly to remove language from House Bill 808 (Youth Protection Act) that was trying to repeal protections for "minor consent" and we do remain opposed to the bill in its entirety, but we were able to get this part out of the bill and we like to see that as a win for our members in terms of protecting minor consent."

The highlighted portions of HB808 have been gutted by the Health Committee:

How did NCMS convince the House Health Committee to completely strip the bill's key provisions?

They had a man on the inside of the committee: Pitt County Republican Rep Timothy Reeder. The ECU doctor now serves as president of the NCMS Foundation which controls and financially supports its lobbying activities according to the organization's IRS filings.

2021 NCMS Foundation 990 IRS filing

Reeder has served in various leadership roles at NCMS since 2007 and works to recruit more doctors to join the group.

Reeder almost prevented the Youth Protection Act from being heard in committee altogether. A few Republican legislators worked together to prevent the bill from being killed.

According to insiders, Reeder is now working behind the scenes to remove provisions from the House version of the Parental Bill of Rights that will require parental consent before children can receive medical treatments at school.

Reeder's NCMS is also leading the charge to allow doctors to take children away from their parents' protection in classrooms and at Planned Parenthood clinics.

The powerful medical group advocates for doctors to be allowed to perform abortions on minors without parental consent violating North Carolina law. The group also advocates for public funds to pay for the procedures, which violates federal law.

Screen shot of archived policy page from NCMS

Since EFA began reporting on ECU's child sex change clinic in October 2022, Representative Reeder has denied its existence. Reeder has told his constituents that his employer does not offer hormone treatments for children. He has allegedly told them that he and ECU are victims of a smear campaign by powerful forces in Raleigh.

However, EFA has obtained documents and audio from inside ECU that prove the clinic exists. Furthermore, former employees have testified that the clinic has been operating for over a year.

This has put Reeder in an awkward position as he attempts to defend his stance against overwhelming evidence.





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