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  • We believe student achievement, moral development, and appreciation for America's unique heritage and government belong at the center of school policies and curriculum.

  • We believe that students and teachers should be treated equally - free from discrimination and harassment according to race, gender, national origin, religion, or political beliefs.

  • Students have a right to benefit fully from education in an environment free from harassment and from collective punishment.

  • We believe that parents have a right to access the educational environment that serves their families best.

  • We believe that schools have a duty to provide full transparency to parents on all issues relating to their child.

  • We believe that the abolishment of the radical-left NCAE teachers association - representing less than 18% of the states' school employees - is necessary to improve North Carolina's education system.

Education First Alliance Team


Education First Alliance fights for the equality of dignity and of opportunity for all K-12 students in North Carolina's educational system.


We are an alliance of parents, teachers, and concerned citizens who came together to fight for the rights of all students to receive quality in-person learning.  

We fight for equal rights because we believe in equal value. Racial discrimination and critical race theory matter, not just because they erode the fabric of this nation, or threaten our freedom, they matter because they fly in the face of the belief that every person, every child, is just as important as the next. 


Asking children to solve, or suffer the punishment for, previous generations’ injustices is not only irresponsible and ineffective it is a continuance of that same injustice.


If ever you’re at a crossroads, asking yourself whether to believe in an ideology masquerading as some sort of justice, ask yourself: does it reflect equal value? Because acknowledging equal value is how you find yourself in possession of equal rights. 


We fight for dignity and opportunity in education because we believe in the next generation, in every possible way. Not the white children in the next generation, or the children of color, or just the children in private schools or a part of public education. We believe in, and advocate for, every child that is being asked to fight against a racist system they had no part in building.

Taking on



Glenn Beck reads Ed First Alliance's own Sloan Rachmuth's article in the Federalist about the Marxism that's being taught to our children in North Carolina schools.

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